Environmental Analysis, SWOT Analysis, and the Value Chain
Please visit the Walden Library databases or select a recognized business publication such as Forbes, Business Week, Harvard Business Review, Entrepreneur, and so forth. Select an article addressing Porter's value chain; value chain analysis; SWOT analysis; or another topic that relates to these ideas and this week's Learning Objectives. For example, you could explore topics such as environmental analysis; multiple uses of a SWOT analysis; SWOTT analysis (a traditional SWOT analysis with added trend lines on each of the four elements) as an analytic tool in strategic management; strategic market analysis; the GE 9-Cell model; PESTEL analysis; and so forth.
Following APA style and formatting guidelines, summarize the article into approximately 300 words (do NOT copy the article), and explain the knowledge you gained from it.Include a link to the original article so your colleagues can read it.
Learning Resources
Required Resources
Thompson, A. A. (2014-2015). Strategy: Core concepts and analytical approaches(3rd ed.) [BSG electronic edition]. Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill Education.
Chapter , "Evaluating a Company's External Environment" (pp. 32-62)
Chapter , "Evaluating a Company's Resources and Ability to Compete Successfully" (pp. 64-88)
Borton, J. (n.d.). E-presentations [PowerPoint presentation]. Minneapolis, MN: Walden University College of Management and Technology.
Business Strategy Game (BSG) Simulation website:
Thompson, A. A., Reidenback, M. A., Stappenbeck, G. J., Harms, C. C., & Thrasher, I. F. (2014). The Business Strategy Game: Competing in a global marketplace. Retrieved from
Visit this website to read Chapters of the course e-book course and to continue your progress in the Business Strategy Game (BSG) SIM. This simulation provides opportunities for you to make some of the difficult decisions often encountered by managers as they seek to execute the strategy that has been established by senior executives who are responsible to the shareholders.
Global Edge Learning (Producer). (2010). Value chains: Knowing your business model [Video file]. Retrieved from
Oxford Learning Lab (Producer). (2009). SWOT analysis: How to create a useful one [Video file]. Retrieved from