
Evaluate your experience during the class exercise this


In no more than one page single spaced, evaluate your experience during the class exercise. This assignment provides you another opportunity to "participate" in the exercise; especially if you were not as comfortable speaking in class or if ideas have come to you since the conclusion of the exercise.

This assignment is designed to explore the way the scenario impacted you personally, however, there is still a certain structure to writing an effective reflection paper. You may want to organize your paper around a particular part of the exercise, or a holistic review of the entire exercise.

Please limit yourself to exploring two of the following questions:

Did the exercise challenge you socially, culturally, emotionally, or theologically? If so, where and how? Why does it bother you or catch your attention?

Has the exercise changed your way of thinking? Did it conflict with beliefs you held previously, and what evidence did it provide you with in order to change your thought process on the topic?

Did the exercise leave you with any questions? Were these questions ones you had previously or ones you developed only after finishing?

Did the exercise fail to address any important issues? Could a certain fact or idea have dramatically changed the impact or conclusion of the reading, lecture, or experience?

How did the exercise mesh with past lectures or readings? Do the ideas contradict or support each other?

Reflection Paper
Number of sources: 1
Paper format: MLA
Spacing: Single spaced

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Management Theories: Evaluate your experience during the class exercise this
Reference No:- TGS02805983

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