
Evaluate your ability to engage in original research

Topic: In 2014 the Suncorp categorised Australia as a ‘foodie nation’. Explore how food has become an element of Australian national identity. What understandings of Australianness are attached to food in contemporary Australia?


The aim of this assignment is to produce a well-focused essay that provides an argument driven by examples drawn from your own primary research, rather than a broad summary/argument that relies on secondary materials. The best essays are usually quite narrow in focus allowing you to go into the question in some depth.

It should also demonstrate your ability to apply these understandings to the primary materials that you have collated. The best assignments are those that achieve a synthesis between secondary and primary sources with an argument that is driven by the evidence gleaned from primary material. Your sources do need to be well chosen – those that best illustrate or help define your argument.
As a research essay this assessment requires library research.

• Do not rely only on web searches. Websites might well be useful in locating primary material but be careful of unsourced, secondary material.

• Use the library catalogue to access databases such as APAIS. These are very useful for finding secondary material, particularly academic articles about your topic. Various databases (for example FACTIVA) allow you to find and download newspaper articles.

What are we looking for?

• The essay is designed to evaluate your ability to engage in original research. We will be looking for how well you locate, use and evaluate your material, especially your use of primary sources. It is important that you also use secondary sources to contextualise your topic within its broader cultural, social, political or historical setting.

• We reward essays that have an argument that demonstrate original and analytical thinking. Avoid simply describing what your sources tell you; or arguments that are primarily based on secondary readings.

• All written work should aim for clear expression and logical structure. Think carefully about the organisation of your argument.

• Referencing is also important. Document all sources according to MLA style. You need to identify accurately the source of your ideas.

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Reference No:- TGS01436510

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