Evaluate your ability to continue your Criminal Justice Studies and discuss what obstacles you must overcome to continue your educational journey?
What are your future educational plans and why?
Student expectations for Forum posts:
Your initial Forum post requires a minimum of a 500 word substantive response that comprehensively answers the initial forum questions.
Original responses to the forum questions need to be substantial and significantly supported by at least one additional scholarly reference that goes beyond the course material. Students should use the AMU Online Library to search for peer-reviewed journal articles that help support their argument. The citation and references are required to be in APA Style. All original responses will be posted no later than Thursday evening at 2359 hrs EST on the week of the applicable Forum questions. This allows time for others to respond to your posting. Please note that the purpose of our discussions is to develop a collaborative learning environment through the exchange of ideas based on the Forum topics. Therefore, please share your perspectives and understanding of the material, supported with properly APA formatted references.