
Evaluate whether the new information is based on reliable

Discussion 1: Evaluating and Presenting Information

In the Module 2 Discussion 1, you debated your position on an issue related to the case study you selected. In Module 2 Discussion 2, you followed up the debate by exploring an issue more thoroughly. As you explored the issue more deeply, it is possible you found more questions than answers. With a steady flow of information based on new research, there will always be new information for you to find, organize, and analyze.

For this Discussion, you will continue to explore scholarly resources to find additional information related to your case study. In addition, you take into account the new information related to case study-that is, the information in Document Set 2 for your selected case study.

As a leader in education, you must remain informed of new research related to your work; and, as an advanced degree graduate student, you must be aware of the latest research related to topics you are considering pursuing in your coursework. Fortunately, you can have up-to-date information sent regularly to your computer. Two simple ways to do this are to set up a Google Scholar Alert for scholarly articles and to subscribe to RSS feeds. Set up a Google Scholar Alert for this Discussion using the instructions in the Toolkit document entitled "Google Scholar Alert." (Note: You should also set up alerts for articles related to additional topics about which you have a strong interest. Also consider subscribing to RSS feeds to obtain more information about these additional topics.)

For this Discussion, assume the role of one of the stakeholders in the case study. Consider the information in Document Set 2 for your selected case study and in any new articles you have located from this stakeholder's point of view. What new information is relevant and what is not? Is the information provided by reliable sources? Does this new information affect your perspective on the issue? If so, how?

Note: While stakeholder roles are suggested in the case study, you are free to create a role that relates to your professional experience and interests. In your post, be sure to identify the role you are assuming.

Note that the Discussion threads are specific to each case study so be sure you post in the area designated for your case study.

Post the stakeholder role you are assuming. Then, post an explanation of how you, in the particular role you are assuming, might respond to the new information in the articles you found and in Document Set 2 for your case study. In your explanation, be sure to:

· Evaluate whether the new information is based on reliable sources and whether the information is relevant to the issue.

· Explain your position on the case study issue from the perspective of the role you are assuming and how this new information informs this position.

· Explain the steps you might take to follow-up on this information based on your role and your position on the issue.

Throughout the Discussion, add support for your position or add to the knowledge base on the issue by finding and sharing additional resources related to the issue you are discussing. These should include scholarly resources but may include other resources such as news articles, blogs, RSS feeds, etc. Share links to the resources you identify.

Discussion 2: Literature Review Step I

As you complete the courses in your program of study, you will be reading numerous research articles and other scholarly documents. As you read, your role will be to critically analyze the articles. To prepare for your work in this module, consider what it means to be a critical analyst rather than a reader/consumer of research. Reading an article informs you. Being a critical analyst transforms how you view, read, and respond to research, and builds the skills you need as a professional scholar who contributes to positive change. As you move through your program, be cognizant to select quality scholarly documents and literature from reliable sources. Visit the Specialization Resources List in the Toolkit to see reputable resources for your field of study.

For this Discussion, you will practice the skill of identifying and summarizing information from scholarly resources. To prepare for this Discussion, identify a minimum of four articles related to the case study. These articles should be in addition to those noted in the Further Reading List for the case study.

If you have not already done so, download the Research Article Organizer from the Toolkit to your computer. This tool will guide you in identifying key elements of research articles as well as key information.

Apply the tool to each of the four articles you found in order to identify key elements and key information in each article.

Post a 2- to 3-paragraph reflective evaluation of your experience with the tool. Evaluate the extent to which tool benefited you in organizing and summarizing information. Include what modifications you made (or could make) to the tool to make it more useful to you. Explain why these modifications are beneficial.

Assignment: Literature Review Step II

Completing a literature review requires higher order and critical thinking skills. In a literature review, you extract themes and key information, and synthesize them to illustrate your point. In Discussion 2, you selected four articles about a topic, you then organized the information about the four articles by identifying and summarizing them. In essence, you completed the first step of a mini literature review. In this Assignment, you complete the next step of a mini literature review by critically analyzing the information you have gathered.

In Discussion 1, you answered the question: What information is available on the issue and what does it say? In this Assignment, you want to answer questions such as: What themes can I identify? How does this information relate to the issue I am exploring? What information is most important, and why? What problem(s) related to the issue the authors address? What problems still need to be addressed?

To prepare for this Assignment, review the required readings (e.g., APA readings) related to literature reviews. Be sure to review the rubric for this assignment to understand how the literature review will be evaluated.

Submit a 4- to 5-page literature review based on the four articles you collected. Be sure your literature review reflects the questions posed in the opening paragraphs of this Assignment.

Learning Resources

Note: To access this module's required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in theCourse Materials section of your Syllabus.

Required Readings

American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, D.C.: Author.

Chapter 1, "Writing for the Behavioral and Social Sciences" Section 1.02 Literature Reviews (p. 10)

Chapter 6, "Crediting Sources" (pp. 169-192)

Chapter 7, "Reference Examples" (pp. 193-224)

Walsh, M. L., Pezalla, A., & Marshall, H. R. (2014). Essential guide to critical reading and writing. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].

Chapter 3, "Form and Purpose" (pp. 27-44)

Chapter 6, "Paraphrasing" (pp. 69-80)

Case Study Documents (PDF files)

Document Set 2

These documents provide you with additional information related to each case study. Read the documents related to the case study you have selected.

To access the Case Study documents, click Case Studies on the Course Overview page.

Required Media

Kishwaukee College Library. (2012). How to read a scholarly journal article [Multimedia]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEVftUdfKtQ

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 5 minutes.

Accessible player --Downloads--Download Video w/CCDownload AudioDownload Transcript

Laureate Education (Producer). (2014). The literature review [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 3 minutes.

Student interviewees address how they narrowed the focus of their topics. They also address how they considered various perspectives of their topics and how this helped them approach their end products.

Western University. (2012). How to read a scholarly article [Multimedia]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SmOq6gENPM
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 3 minutes.

Optional Resources

Bridgewater College. (2012). How to read a scholarly article. Retrieved from https://libguides.bridgewater.edu/readingscholarlyarticles

Kuther, T. (n.d.). Reading: Improve your comprehension and efficiency. Retrieved from https://gradschool.about.com/cs/reading/a/read.htm

Libberton, B. (2012, March). 10 lessons I've learned writing about the literature review for 1 year. Literature Review Headquarters. Retrieved from https://www.literaturereviewhq.com/10-literature-review-lessons/

Pasadena City College. (2008). How to read and take notes on a scholarly article. Retrieved from https://www.pasadena.edu/hstutoringlab/writing/writingscholarlyarticle.cfm

Sweeney, M. E. (2012).How to read for grad school. Retrieved from https://miriamsweeney.net/2012/06/20/readforgradschool/

Thompson, A. (1998). How scholarly writing makes readers work. Journal of Scholarly Publishing, 29(2), 87.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Walden University Library. (2013). Quick answers: What are primary and secondary sources? Retrieved from https://academicanswers.waldenu.edu/a.php?qid=217082

Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). Critical reading. Retrieved from https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/writingprocess/criticalreading

Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). Literature reviews. Retrieved from https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/assignments/literaturereview

Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). Scholarly writing. Retrieved from https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/scholarly

Walden University Academic Skills Center. (n.d.). Strategies for thinking critically. Retrieved from https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/ASCsuccess/ASCstrategiesforthinkingcritically

Wenk, L., & Tronsky, L. (2011). First-year students benefit from reading primary research articles. Journal of College Science Teaching, 40(4), 60-67.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

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