
Evaluate their strengths and weaknesses and implement a

You are required to submit a Reflective Essay documenting how your learning strategies have developed in your first Semester.

You will be required to make reference to at least one academic source to explore and critically reflect on learning strategies and approaches which you have adopted in your the semester.

Essay Guide:

LO 1. Apply a variety of learning skills and strategies that coincide with their learning strengths and preferences.

LO 2. Evaluate their strengths and weaknesses and implement a self-development plan which reflects on the actions needed to further their learning skills and strategies.

LO 3. Demonstrate their reading, writing, note-taking, summarising and time-management skills.

LO 4. Manage their own learning in a group setting through preparation of a group project and participation in a peer-assessment exercise.

LO 5. Communicate effectively in a variety of modes (i.e. oral and written).


Evidence of critical reflection

Critical reflection includes application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of theories or models discussed in class. Learner statements are clear and demonstrate insight into theoretical principles and their relevance to learner's own learning. May include unusual or novel insights.

My learning successes:

Tell me about your learning success this semester.

The bits I don't get YET

Tell me about the bits that challenged you and that you feel you don't fully know yet.

What I did and will do to make sure I improve in these areas

Tell me about what you did to make sure you improved as a learner over the semester and also what help/support that you accessed or will access to help you to make those improvements.

What were my mistakes?

Tell me about the mistakes that you made that helped you learn

How have I learned from my Peer review experiences?

Reflect on what you have learned about your writing, reflections and approach to CA2 from the Peer review.

What are my plans to continue to improve next semester?

Tell me what you will do to ensure that you will be an effective learner as you move on to semester 2

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Dissertation: Evaluate their strengths and weaknesses and implement a
Reference No:- TGS02630238

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