
Evaluate the various approaches to the study of diplomacy


Use the annotated bibiograpy as a guideline for the paper.

The research paper should be eight to ten (8-10) typewritten pages in length (double-spaced) and must be based, in part, on primary sources [defined here as documents, speeches, articles, analyses written by analysts or political figures from the region], not merely on secondary analyses.

With this research paper I really want to get to know if the USA can get to bond good/positive diplomatic, economic, and trading relations with the South and North Korea given to the fact that they are in a really strategic geographic point (useful for trading) , that one Korea is a dictatorship and did not followed the steps of its neighbor state, or that if the two Korea will unite just to work to avoid the USA hegemony together and arise as a single independent Korean peninsula; or maybe the opposite (USA will just intervene as they did in Panama many years ago). Thats why I'm gathering all that in the word "peace" in my paper.

The paper should deal with some aspect of Diplomatic Studies. For example, the student may decide to compare and evaluate the various theories of and approaches to the study of Diplomacy, or to use a research question to illustrate the theoretically-based arguments developed in the literature. Regardless of the topic selected, the student should deal with it analytically, not merely descriptively. This means that the paper should address a specific question and develop and support an argument. It should draw upon the relevant theoretical literature.

Papers must be submitted in standard research paper format--i.e. title page, notes either at the bottom of the page or at the end of the paper, and a bibliography. Use the format given below for both notes and bibliography. It is assumed that due attention will be given to such concerns as spelling, grammar, appropriate word selection and neatness! Although primary consideration in evaluating the paper will be placed on content, logic of the argumentation, and evidence, stylistic concerns (i.e. spelling, grammar, syntax, etc.) will also be taken into account.

Most importantly, papers are not to be mere chronicles of historical developments. Rather, they are to present and support an argument or explanation concerning the problem that has been selected as the focus of research.

1. Format of the Paper

The paper should stay within the page limits listed above [12-point type with standard margins]; it should be formatted in standard research paper form -- i.e. including reference notes (either at the bottom of the page or at the end of the paper -- not "scientific notation") and a bibliography. The format listed below should be used for both notes and bibliography.

2. Bibliography:

All entries should be listed in alphabetical order, last name first, using the following format:

3. Periodical article:

Hough, Jerry F., "The End of Russia's 'Khomeini' Period," World Policy Journal, IV, no. 4 (1987), pp. 583-604. Some journals do not employ volume numbers, others do not employ consecutive pagination within an entire volume. This format can be adjusted to the former by excluding the volume number and presents no problem for the latter situation.

4. Article in an edited book:

Sodaro, Michael, "The GDR and the Third World: Supplicant and Surrogate," in Eastern Europe and the Third World: East vs. South, ed. by Michael Radu. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1981, pp. 106-141.

5. Authored book:

Brutents, Karen N., National Liberation Revolutions Today. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977.

6. Edited book:

Korbonski, Andrzej and Francis Fukuyama, eds., The Soviet Union and the Third World: The Last Three Decades. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1987.

7. Newspaper article:

Forrestal, Michael and Allen Lynch, "New Views Behind Moscow's Flexible New Diplomacy," The Christian Science Monitor, October 13, 1987, p. 15.

8. Miscellaneous publication:

Some items do not fit easily into any of the categories listed above. You should adapt the format to fit the item. For example, pamphlets can usually be treated as books.

9. Translated material:

For translated materials, full publication information should be provided for both the original and the translation source: e.g., Pravda, date, p.?; translated in Current Digest of the Post-Soviet Press, vol. ?, no. ?, date, p. ?.

10. Internet material:

These materials should be treated as publications. Full information concerning the source should be given., so that the reader will be in a position to find it. In the case of "reprinted" materials, both the original and the internet source should be given: e.g., "Yeltsin Administration Upbeat On Outgoing Year," Moscow, 30 December 1997, Interfax; available at Johnson's Russia List #1453, 30 December 1997 . "Russia, China Sign Nuclear Deal," RFE/RL Newsline, Vol. 1, No. 187, Part I, 30 December 1997 . Since you cannot cite pages for internet sources, you should be especially careful to provide proper link information and dates when accessed.

11. Unpublished material:

Specific information should be provided about the source of unpublished material, such as interviews, letters, and other documents. The name of the interviewee, the date and place of the interview should be provided. Letters and other documents should be treated in similar fashion. In all cases information concerning the current location of the material should be provided.


Copying from the textbook or cutting and pasting sections from websites or other reference materials or presenting someone else's ideas as your own is plagiarism and will not be tolerated and will result in zero (0) points for that assignment. Please review the FIU Plagiarism Prevention Guide all work submitted must be original for this class.

This class will utilize the TurnItIn originality software. Click here to learn: How to submit a Turnitin Assignment.

Papers that are not properly cited will be issued a zero.

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Business Law and Ethics: Evaluate the various approaches to the study of diplomacy
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