
Evaluate the use of employee profiles in addition consider

How might your performance evaluation differ if it were conducted by a friend, a colleague, a competitor, or a supervisor? The evaluation procedures used by organizations can be very subjective. To help prevent individual biases from determining the fate of employees, many organizations have initiated multirater instruments such as 360-degree assessments and the 9-box grid.To understand how multirater systems are carried out, consider the proceedings of a courtroom. Rather than a judge singlehandedly deciding your fate, you have a jury composed of various supervisors, executives, colleagues, and sometimes even customers. The information from this "jury" is then assimilated into an employee's internal management profile. This allows the organization's succession planning team to then carefully review these profiles to identify, groom, and track the progress of high-potential employees.

Evaluate the use of employee profiles. In addition, consider how multirater instruments such as 360-degree assessments and 9-box grids contribute to management profiles and internal grooming options. Review the article titled "Employee Feedback Technologies in the Human Performance System," located in this week's Learning Resources.

  • Evaluate the use of employee profiles. How can employee profiles be used to determine succession candidates?In what other ways can such information be used to increase an organization's sustainable competitive advantage?
  • Explain how 360-degree assessments, 9-box grids, and similar performance reviews are used in profiling employees.Which method might be more applicable in today's fast-paced business environment? 
  • Which industries and job functions would be more suited for these types of assessments? Why or why not?
  • Are there any circumstances where assessment techniques are not necessary or are even possibly detrimental?
  • Assess internal grooming options used in succession planning.How would you use the information gained from evaluation instruments and employee profiles to match potential successors with effective grooming options.

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Business Management: Evaluate the use of employee profiles in addition consider
Reference No:- TGS02455228

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