Evaluate the two articles use approx 300 words ie discuss

Select two (2) of the articles set out on the next page in this Assessment guide. For your chosen articles prepare an essay in which you:

• a) explain the key ideas of each article in your own words and what you learnt about management theory from each (use approx 600 words)

• b) evaluate the two articles (use approx 300 words) i.e. discuss what you see as the strengths and weaknesses of the key ideas in each article

• c) identify three (3) ideas from these same articles that you argue have informed the managerial processes and practices used in the Horizons case study* (use approx 300 words). i.e. find 3 ideas from the articles that you argue have influenced how something is being done at Horizons. * see also the page in this Assessment Guide entitled "Information about Horizons case study for assignment 1" for more information. APA referencing I will attach the article

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Dissertation: Evaluate the two articles use approx 300 words ie discuss
Reference No:- TGS01254118

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