
Evaluate the thermal conductivity of the soda lime glass

Consider a 300 mm x 300 mm window in an aircraft. For a temperature difference of 80oC from the inner to the outer surface of the window, calculate the heat loss through a 10 mm think polycarbonate, soda lime glass, and aerogel windows respectively. The thermal conductivity of aerogel and polycarbonate are kag=0.014W/mK and kpc=0.21 W/mK . Evaluate the thermal conductivity of the soda lime glass at 300 K. If the aircraft has 130 windows and it costs $1/kWh to heat the cabin, compare the costs associated with the heat loss through the windows for an 8 hour flight.

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Mechanical Engineering: Evaluate the thermal conductivity of the soda lime glass
Reference No:- TGS0731876

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