
Evaluate the target audiences use

Assignment  (powerpoint)

Select a current product with which you are familiar, and pitch a new Integrated Marketing Communications Plan (IMC) to your client who is the marketer/producer of the product. Do not pick a company like Disney that is a superb marketer. Picking a company like that will mean you cannot complete each element of this assignment. You must 1) Review what the marketing communications mix is currently and report on your findings. Be sure to show some of the materials and messages, 2) Evaluate the effectiveness of the existing marketing communications mix, aspects of the 4 Ps, and then 3) Come up with a new communications/marketing mix strategy for the product based on the weaknesses you found and recommend the changes to "your client" in this paper. Be sure you have justification for your recommendations.

If you cannot find what the company/brand does, pick another one!
Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of 8 to 10 slides that includes the following components:

• Identifies any considerations you will need to employ to build and maintain the brand and customer loyalty.

• Evaluate the target audience's use of and belief in the communications sources

• Separately, create a print ad or a video broadcast for the product featuring your new strategy (Youtube TM, video, or PowerPoint storyboard is acceptable). This is not part of the 8 to 10 slides referenced above. If you create a YouTube video, be sure to release it for viewing by others.

Be sure you include citations and a References Page properly formatted in font that is legible. Use Notes pages to explain slides.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Please note that it is often easier not to embed a video into your presentation but to provide an accessible link for me to open. The University's software seems to have capacity issues preventing the opening of embedded videos and my computers dislike them intensely.

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Marketing Management: Evaluate the target audiences use
Reference No:- TGS01777586

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