
Evaluate the suitability of information systems for

Assume that you have been selected as a Business Analyst and you are given a task to study an organization of your choice and to come up with a solution to achieve productive business results.

Following are the chapters that you must address via the management report;

Chapter 1 - Profile for the Organization

You have to select an organization of your choice and assume that you work for that organization. Now you must prepare a brief profile of the organization evaluating information needs of the different functional areas.

Clearly state their Vision, Mission, Values, employee base, financial strength, market information, product base, and differentfunctional areas by understanding their organization's information needs based on the organization's purpose through a realistic study using 400-500 words.

Chapter 2 -Various Information Systems and Trends

2.1. Describe different types of information systems

You must use relevant theories and models

2.2 Evaluate the suitability of information systems for different functional areas of the organization as you have identified above.

2.3. Investigate current trends in using information systems applications to solve business problemsrelated to the organization that you have selected to study.

Chapter 3 - Using information systems to produce management information

3.1. Identify an organizational problem of the above organization and discuss how an information system could be used to generate valid, accurate and useful information solve that problem.

3.2. As a contingency plan evaluate alternative methods of solving the problem

You must critically comment whether the solution is feasible to the organization that you are studying (D1.3)and also must discuss relevant features that must be there in the system you are suggesting in a creative manner.

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Database Management System: Evaluate the suitability of information systems for
Reference No:- TGS0792129

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