
Evaluate the strength of your own agenda in comparison to


Provide context by defining the shaping and driving forces that impact the development of your new leadership agenda. This should include your awareness of the global impact of supply chain management field and its welcoming of a global diversity of ideas and leadership. It should also include what "minds"(The Disciplined Mind" in Gardner''s 2008 article, "The Five Minds for the Future," ) you most need to develop.

Think about how your agenda compares to the predominant leadership model in the supply chain management field. Examples of contemporary leadership agendas might include "might makes right," "Americans know better," and "partnering makes a better product." Evaluate the strength of your own agenda in comparison to other possible agendas. Provide the rationale for one of the emerging leadership theories as a guide for your leadership agenda.

The completed paper should be 4-5 pages (excluding cover and reference pages). You also need to utilize citations and reference from a minimum of four credible sources.

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Supply Chain Management: Evaluate the strength of your own agenda in comparison to
Reference No:- TGS01136126

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