Evaluate the sampling method

Problem: Accounting for Misclassification and Selection Bias in Estimating Effectiveness of Self-managed Medication Abortion

Ruvani T. Jayaweera, a,b Patrick T. Bradshaw, b Caitlin Gerdts,a Ijeoma Egwuatu,c Bélen Grosso,d Ika Kristianingrum,e Sybil Nmezi,c Ruth Zurbriggen,d Jennifer Ahern, b and Heidi Mosesona

Please provide a critique on the above journal based on the following questions.

The critique of the article should heavily focus on the study design and methods of the research presented in the article. The following list is the main questions you should answer within your critique.

1. Does this research address an important topic within the broader field of epidemiology/public health? Why?

2. What type of study design is this? Explain.

3. Evaluate the sampling method and the sample used in this study.

4. Describe the instruments, with a focus on the main variables of interest.

5. How were the data analyzed? Is this appropriate given the structure of the data and variables? Answer to the best of your knowledge given the analysis description.

6. What is (are) the major finding(s)? Are these findings important?

7. Identify and discuss 2 types of bias addressed this study. Present a theoretical discussion of both types of bias (e.g. why do we care about this bias in epidemiology?) and then describe the authors' approach to addressing each type of bias.

8. What are your suggestions to improve this research?


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