
Evaluate the role of interest groups in texas


Response papers should be around 1000 words (that's roughly 2 pages if single spaced or 4 pages if double spaced, with standard 12-point font and 1-inch margins.)

Evaluate the role of interest groups in Texas. A common criticism of Texas politics relates to the role of special interests in shaping state politics -- assess that claim.

Identify what you see as the most powerful interest groups in Texas (remember, interest group can be broadly defined, special interests and political parties are big ones, but can include informal and non-political groups like workplaces, schools, neighborhoods, churches, etc.) Why are these groups the most influential?

Are there effective avenues for new interests to develop?

Are your interests effectively represented through the current system of government?

Are there better ways of ensuring the representation of your interests?


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Other Subject: Evaluate the role of interest groups in texas
Reference No:- TGS02046572

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