
Evaluate the risks involved in process of decision making

Complete the assignment in word limit of 2000 words:

Assignment Task

As the Operations Manager for any of the listed companies below, you are tasked with the decision to outsource part of their products or services for added value to the customer.

Using the decision logic of outsourcing, provide a detailed Logic map to indicate what should be outsourced and what is to be kept in-house.

Analyse the factors that influence your decision to outsource or to remain in-house using the 5 Performance objectives.

Evaluate the risks involved in the process of decision making and recommend mitigating strategies to the risks.

Chose any one of the companies below for your analysis

• Google

• Shell

• BP

• Starbucks

• Costa

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Risk Management: Evaluate the risks involved in process of decision making
Reference No:- TGS01784932

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