
Evaluate the relative performance of different materials


The fundamental objectives of this assignment is to demonstrate the student ability to

1. Use data on the properties of materials to calculate their performance in service using scientific principles

2. Demonstrate an understanding of the different performance measures that are used for construction materials and evaluate the materials by calculation or discussion.

3. Use different resources and engineering principles to calculate physical properties of materials from laboratory data and present reports on them.
Outcomes (as mentioned in MIG CIVL 0010):

1. Evaluate the relative performance of different materials and, in particular, their relative durability.

2. Calculate their properties and discuss the suitability of a wide range of materials for use in construction.

3. Carry out laboratory investigations and draw conclusions from experimental data on materials and present clear reports on the results and conclusions


Select any one of the following projects.

1. Use of Advanced construction materials in building construction (Discuss in detail about any innovative material used in construction including its physical and chemical properties based on experimental data available in literature)
a. Innovative use of concrete (or)
b. Special use of wood as construction material (or)
c. Low cost materials in construction (or)
d. Bituminous as civil engineering construction material

2. Design a mix using cement replacement materials and find slump and perform penetration test to find setting time of concrete and compare values with normal concrete
a. Replacement materials may be for cement, sand or aggregate (or)
b. Can also use chemical admixtures

3. Design a mix using cement replacement materials and find slump and compression strength and compare values with normal concrete
a. Replacement materials may be for cement, sand or aggregate (or)
b. Can also use chemical admixtures

4. Causes, Prevention and Repair of Cracks In Building. Suggest suitable Non Destructive Testing methods to analyze cracks with experimental data collected from online resources.
a. Rebound hammer available in lab can be used to measure the strength of existing structures selected for study.

5. Corrosion Mechanism, Prevention & Repair Measures of RCC Structure, discuss in detail testing of corrosion rate with any specific method with available experimental details.

6. Case study of Ready Mix Plant in Muscat (including mix design procedure adopted, different quality control tests performed in a particular day. Use test result values and discuss comparing with standard values)

The report is often used to present, analyze and summarize your data.
You will find in the following some basic instructions on how to prepare the geological report for field trips.
Report Format
- The size limit: Normally, contain your report in 4-10 pages of written text plus additional pages for Figures (index).
- Follow specified spacing. Generally use 1.5 x line spacing unless advised.
- Start with the title page (including your name) or student number as requested.
- Include your own field sketches or photographs. It is generally better to position figures within the text rather than group them at the end of the report.
- Give a sequential number to all figures (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3, etc.)
- Add a brief, informative caption to the figures.
Sections of the Report
The Report should contain the following sections:
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Your material/Methodology
- Application of materials/Execution
- Result Discussion/Conclusions
- References

1. Abstract (maximum 1/2 page)
The abstract must be brief, but it has to tell the reader
- What is the goal of the work (e.g. study the influence of w/c ratio on the workability of concrete) etc.
- Which type of work has been carried out (e.g. lab experiments etc.)?
- What are the results obtained (e.g. increasing the w/c ratio increase the workability of the mix), preferably not more than 2 sentences.

2. Introduction (maximum 2 page)
- Depending on the project selected give brief history and theory on that topic.
- Discuss general material classification, factors affecting the selection process.
- How has the work been done (using the lab test, name your tests)

- Give the general plan of the report (e.g. how do you collect your sample and what will you do to discuss these properties).
3. Your material/Methodology (maximum 3 page)
- Discuss the properties of the selected material (e.g. for auditorium material used for ceiling, walls etc)
- The tests to check the properties.
- The results you get and analysis for those results.

4. Application of materials/Execution (maximum 4 page)
- Explain how the material will effect in terms of performance.
- What was the procedure to perform any test?
- Procedure for mix design etc

5. Result Discussion/Conclusions (maximum 1 page)
State briefly what are the major achievements of your work?

6. References
Use CU Harvard referencing system as per our college rules.

7. Appendix
Any additional figures, tables, and photos should be included here.


1. A report not exceeding 10 pages.


Follow the guidelines mentioned below for your assignment.
- Assignment should have a Title Page. Title Page should contain the following information.
 Assignment Name
 Student name
 Student ID
- Use page numbers
- Assignment should be typed in your own words and computer typed using Times New Roman font size 12.
- Heading should be with Font Size 14, Bold, Underline

- Use Diagrams and Examples to explain your topic.
- Copy and paste from the Internet sources is strictly not acceptable and will be treated as a plagiarism and will be dealt with as per polices given below.

Rules & Regulations

- If any content or diagram of the assignment is found copied from the other students then marks will be deducted from both assignments.

- The purpose of assignment is to do some research work so you can consult books in Library or use internet or computer magazines or any other source.

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Civil Engineering: Evaluate the relative performance of different materials
Reference No:- TGS01687436

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