
Evaluate the reactive and distortion power produced

My thesis topic is distortion power and its effect on the power quality generated by wind energy system. this work is going to be base on the IEEE 1459-2000 or IEEE 1459-2010 standard. the advance or improve Walsh function algorithm is going to be used to measure or evaluate the reactive and distortion power produced by the wind energy system at 1,3,5,7,9 and 11 current harmonics. a wind energy system or wind power plant is going to be modeled together with the Walsh function algorithm and will be simulated in matlab to execute to obtain result for this work.


Min Pages: 50
Other Requirements: this thesis should be divided into 5 chapters. first chapter talk about introduction and brief background on wind energy systems for instance; wind energy development or growth over the decade, wind power, types of turbines etc. in this work the DFIG will be used. in chapter two its going to be the literature review its going to cover power quality, distortion power, causes of distortion power, methods of reduction or elimination of distortion power. Chapter 3 is going to be the methodology to measure and evaluate the power components i.e reactive power and distortion power. the advance or improve Walsh function is going to be used as the methodology to measure this components so its going to be discussed in this chapter. chapter four is the result. wind energy system and walsh function algorithm will be modeled together. in the simulation the wind power plant will generate wind power then the walsh function algorithm will measure the reactive and distortion power produced by introducing current harmonics(1,3,5,7,9 and 11) to the power system. tables and graphs will be made to discus the results and findings. chapter 5 is conclusion of the work.


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Electrical Engineering: Evaluate the reactive and distortion power produced
Reference No:- TGS0427312

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