Evaluate the program problem or policy that you identified

Discussion Post: Research Question & Evaluation Design

Perhaps the most important part of any research project is the research question. Without an effective research question, it is difficult to know what you are trying to accomplish and why. In this week's Learning Resources, you explored the elements of effective research questions, as well as the different types of evaluation designs, and how these designs act as "maps" to guide you through a research project. You will apply this information to developing a research question and select an appropriate evaluation design for your Final Project.

For this Discussion, review the Learning Resources. Consider an organization that you work for or are familiar with. You may use an organization from the Virtual Community if you wish. For that organization, think about a problem or a program that would most benefit from research and evaluation. The problem or program may be the same one that you used in the Week 1 Discussion. What question would you want to answer with your research? What type of evaluation design would be most appropriate to answer this research question?

Considering the specific program, problem, or policy you want to address, think about what type of research question and evaluation design would work best in this situation.

Post the research question and evaluation design you would like use to evaluate the program, problem, or policy that you identified. Justify why this evaluation design is the most appropriate design to address this program, problem, or policy.

The response must include a reference list. Using one-inch margins, double-space, Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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HR Management: Evaluate the program problem or policy that you identified
Reference No:- TGS03135584

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