
Evaluate the performance of the international monetary fund

Please read the questions carefully before writing your responses. There is no 'model' or 'unique' answer to the discussion questions. The questions require brief, considered, responses. A premium will be placed on cogent, well-reasoned responses. Grades will be based on:

  • Structure and coherence (i.e. the answer should flow as a narrative),
  • Analytical strength (e.g. the extent to which you draw upon theoretical paradigms discussed in the course),
  • Illustrations with examples,
  • The synthesis of different viewpoints,
  • Originality (including reasoning and structuring of your responses) and
  • Professionalism (i.e. the extent to which you follow rules of writing papers, e.g. referencing, formatting, editing for grammatical and other errors).

For each answer you should cite at least four references. Marks will be deducted for those not following these rules and following the suggested word limit. Please make sure you cite every reference you use in your answer. The reference should be cited in the main body of the text as well as in the list of references at the end of the answer.


In a move that was considered controversial, Ms. Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, withdrew from giving the convocation address at Smith College, a prestigious liberals arts college in Northeasten United States. The withdrawal was in response to sustained protests from students contending that Ms. Lagarde led an institution that through its policies had further impoverished the economically vulnerable and focused on the interests of banks, rather than the broader population.

Evaluate the performance of the International Monetary Fund over the past three decades and provide reasoning on whether you believe the criticism is justified. In your answer, you should first identify the points on which the IMF is criticised and then assess the merits or otherwise of the critique. Illustrate your response with a specific country or country experiences. (Maximum of 750 words)

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Business Management: Evaluate the performance of the international monetary fund
Reference No:- TGS01543921

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