Research on Amazon
Performance Evaluation:Evaluate the overall performance of the company along with its prospects for the future. Again you might present views from management, the financial press, financial analysts, and your own assessment based on industry or competitor comparisons.
Financial Analysis: Present financial data and analysis for at least the last 5 years where possible. It is usually helpful to present this information graphically and based on some comparison to a peer, competitor or industry averages so trends can be observed over time. Each chapter of your text contains information on how to evaluate a company. See Chapter 13 of your text for financial analysis including key metrics.
[Hint:This financial analysis should not stand alone as its own section of your presentation. This just does not work effectively. Rather, financial analysis should be woven into your overall story. Note that while there are many ratios, not all of them are relevant to your organization or help you tell its story. I would be more than happy to meet with your group and discuss which of these measures would be appropriate. This financial section is important but should not drive or dominate the presentation. As a general guideline, I would anticipate ratio and financial analysis should take up from about 20% of yourpresentation.