
Evaluate the originality and quality of a students response



Select a WSJ article that reports on an ethical dilemma related to the week's textbook chapter reading. Read the article and post your personal reaction to the article. You are being asked to form a moral or ethical judgment of the ramifications and implications of the ethical dilemma that you have identified in the WSJ article.

• Review the Netiquette policies before posting.

• The approximate length of a discussion forum response should be about 200 words, 20 lines

• Each post MUST (at a bare minimum) include the following: a clearly stated ethical dilemma, the application of an ethical framework to analyze the identified ethical dilemma, and your educated opinion of the ethical dilemma.

• Each student is expected to respond to two classmates' discussion forum posts on or before the time and day posts are due. Students responding to classmates' posts must provide constructive feedback void of judgment statements. In total, students will respond to 2 posts.

• I will evaluate the originality and quality of a student's response especially as they relate to a student's thought process and content of his/her response

• I expect to grade student discussion forum responses within 24 hours

• Also, review and rate the contributions of at least two of your peers.

WSJ ARTICLE: Electric-Vehicle Bulls Shake Up Metals Markets By AmrithRamkumar and Ira Iosebashvili.

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Dissertation: Evaluate the originality and quality of a students response
Reference No:- TGS02559018

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