Evaluate the oral communication aspect of the presentation


For this assignment, you are asked to examine a TED Talk video (of your choice) and present an analysis on it in the form of a slide-show presentation. You can use Canva and many more like PowerPoint for slideshow.

You will need to respond to the following set of questions:

A. Provide a brief summary of your selected TED Talk. Provide some background information on the presenter. Summarize the key points of the TED Talk.

B. What is the thesis (i.e. ultimate message) of your selected TED Talk? Boil down the entire presentation to a single quote from the presenter. Then, explain the significance of this message.

C. Describe the tone/mood of this presentation. Justify your analysis with some supporting evidence from the presentation.

D. Evaluate the oral communication aspect of this presentation. How would the message of this presentation differ if it were a written transcript?

E. Provide a personal response to this TED Talk. What is your reaction to it?

Steps for this assignment:

A. Go to TED's website and browse through their catalog of TED Talk videos. Select one that appeals to you. If you're stuck, take a look at the TED Talk collection posted in the classwork section of the Google Classroom for some potential options to choose from.

B. Create your own copy of the TEDTalk Analysis Outline document.

C. Analyze your selected TED Talk video. Fill in the outline document (in bullet-point form).

D. Once you've completed the outlining stage, begin formulating your slide-show presentation. Use your bullet-point notes as the basis for your slides. You do not need to include all of the information listed in your outline within your slideshow. Try not to make your slides too text heavy. Save some of the points you listed in your outline for your oral communication during the presentation. You're free to use whatever platform you choose, however I will be awarding bonus points to whomever uses a dynamic slideshow platform for this assignment.

E. Once you've completed your slideshow, review the information. Tweak your outline document so that it becomes a script for your presentation.

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English: Evaluate the oral communication aspect of the presentation
Reference No:- TGS03356593

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