
Evaluate the objectivity of the writers statements

Assignment Task: Anecdotal Record

[1] Ana and Elsa were happily playing in the block area making a racetrack.  [2] Tilly ran up to them and said she wanted to join them. [3] The girls looked at her and Ana said, "Yes, you can play with us." [4] Tilly was happy that she could play as she pretended to drive a car on the track.  [5] Tilly said, "I will make the ramp, you make the circle road." [6] Elsa seemed to like the idea and looked at Tilly and said, "Let's do it!" [7] The girls continued to build the racetrack together.


You have learned what to include and what not to include when writing an anecdotal record. Read the record above and go through each sentence to evaluate the objectivity of the writer's statements. List any issues with each sentence and explain what is wrong.  If the statement is written correctly, explain why it is right.

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