
Evaluate the mix of debt and equity financing needs


All the questions are about Coca Cola Co. answer all questions about information that you find in the internet website.

The company that choose is Coca Cola Co.

Problem 1: Select a publicly traded company and obtain their financial statements, from these financial statements determine how the company is financed. What is the mix of the debt and equity financing? What type and mix of financing would you recommend for the company? Why?

Problem 2: "Given the objectives and capital structure of a firm, evaluate the mix of debt and equity financing needs of the firm."

Problem 3: Using the company that you are analyzing for your Group Project, let's look at the equity sections and liability sections of the balance sheet for a recent year-end or quarter. Since some of these questions may require a glance at the notes to the financial statements, it may in fact be best if you use an annual report and thus answer the questions with respect to the fiscal year-end. And the answers to some of these questions might be found elsewhere including on the financial web sites such as Yahoo or MSN.

Problem 4: PREFERRED STOCK - Does the corporation have any outstanding preferred stock?

If so, is the amount significant? (Compared to the total equity and compared to the total debt and equity, that is.)

Briefly, what are the preferences on those shares?

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Finance Basics: Evaluate the mix of debt and equity financing needs
Reference No:- TGS01807223

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