
Evaluate the long term decline in voter participation in us

Consider the following questions:

1: What contradictions exist in each of the four major ideologies in this chapter, and do they seriously detract from what each represents? Why (or why not)?

2: "Explains how the colonial experience prepared Americans for independence, the restrictions that Britain placed on the colonies, and the American response to those restrictions."

3: Describes and evaluates "the Full Faith and Credit clause in Article IV of the Constitution -which mandates that each state give "full faith and credit" to each other's laws, records, and legal decisions."

4: Discusses the following question: "other than factors of family and education, what circumstances would influence an individual American more in determining his/her political socialization?"

5: Describes and evaluates at least three of the original functions of a political party and in what respect these functions are relevant or not today.

6: Describes and evaluates at least three reasons behind the long term decline in voter participation in the US.

7: Describes and evaluates the reasons why our founding fathers created a bicameral legislature and what does this mean at the functional level.

8: Describes and evaluates two of the many roles the president has to play as part of his tenure as a president.

9: Describes and evaluates the following question: "Of all the sources of American law, which of them has consistently held the most authority over the largest number of people, and why?"

10: Which the issue of morality versus reality in the conduct of US foreign policy is discussed and analyzed.

Reference book :

American Government Politics today :https://books.google.com/books?id=xB5TCwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false

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