
Evaluate the following in relation to debates on judicial

Evaluate the following, in relation to debates on judicial diversity in Ireland:

"There is little, indeed no, evidence of restriction or inhibition of appointment to the [Irish] judiciary on the grounds of gender. By the same token, it does not appear that there is any significant issue in relation to the appointment of persons of different sexual orientation, marital status, religious belief or lack of it, or different social origins."

Association of Judges of Ireland: Preliminary Submission of Irish Judges to the Public Consultation on the Judicial Process (January 2014), para. 48.

(Critically evaluate: Examine the issue, weigh up the arguments, explore different theoretical/practical applications and come to a conclusion. You will come to your conclusion on the basis of legal reasoning, rather than mere polemic or general non- legal persuasive arguments).
Writing, Referencing and Researching

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Getting Started: Your readings on the judiciary from the module handbook are a starting point in assisting you in answering of this question.

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Other Subject: Evaluate the following in relation to debates on judicial
Reference No:- TGS0769508

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