
Evaluate the exchange what would you do differently if you

Selling: Building Partnerships, Case Study 4.1

Ben Alan, a salesperson for of Laura C. Curran, owner Louisville. Laura is seated behind a vast mahogany desk in a high-backed stylish executive chair working on some paperwork. She doesn’t look up as Ben enters the room. Yellow Book USA, has just entered the elaborate office of Denmark Interiors, an upscale interior decorator in case 4.1 Denmark Interiors

Ben: [walking around Laura’s desk and extending his hand] Good morning, Laura! It’s sure nice to finally get a chance to meet you. [laughing] Forgive me for saying so, but I’ll have to admit this is the nicest office, and you’re the prettiest person I’ve called on this week!

Laura: [not looking up from her paperwork or extending her hand as she finally responds] Please have a seat, Mr. ... what was your name?

Ben: [dragging up a seat from the side of the room and placing it on the same side of the desk as Laura, then plopping down in the seat] Ben. Ben Alan. I believe it’s one of the hottest days in Louisville this summer! Say, here’s a good joke I heard yesterday. A man fainted in the middle of a busy intersec- tion, and traffic quickly piled up in all directions, so a woman rushed to help him. When she knelt down to loosen his collar, a man emerged from the crowd, pushed her aside, and said, “It’s all right honey, I’ve had a course in CPR!” The woman stood up and watched as he took the ill man’s pulse and prepared to administer artificial respiration. At this point she tapped him on the shoulder and said, “When you get to the part about calling a doctor, I’m already here.” Ha ha ha!

Laura: [not laughing but pushing her paperwork away from her and crossing her arms] What can I do for you, Mr. Alan?

Ben: Well, Laura, I’d like to see your company take out a bigger ad in the Yel- low Pages. Can’t beat the Yellow Pages for business, now can you?

Laura: [turning in her chair to look out the window while looking at her watch] We provide professional interior decorating to high-end clients, depending mostly on word-of-mouth recommendations for new clients, Mr. Alan.

Ben: [taking out a pad of paper from his shirt pocket and searching his pockets for a pen] Now that’s news to me, Laura. I thought you were like all the rest, desperately seeking ugly homes to make them prettier. Ha ha ha!

Laura: [making a steeple with her hands while still looking out the office window] I would guess you would, Mr. Alan. [swiveling in her chair to face Ben] Yes, I would guess you would. [pressing a button on her desk] Ms. Deramus, Mr. Alan has completed his interview with me. Will you kindly escort him out? [eyeing Ben with a triumphant look on her face] Have a good day, Mr. [strongly emphasizing the word Mr.] Alan.


1. Evaluate the exchange.

2. What would you do differently if you were Ben?

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Operation Management: Evaluate the exchange what would you do differently if you
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