Complete the below:
There is a popular belief that herbal remedies such as ginkgo biloba and ginseng may improve learning and memory in healthy adults, these effects are usually not supported by well controlled research. in a typical study a researcher obtains a sample of n=16 participants and has each person take a herbal supplement for 90 days. at the end of the 90 days each person takes a standardized memory test. for the general population scores from the test form a normal distribution with a mean of u=50 and a standard deviation of o=12. the sample of research participants had a average of M=54.
Assuming a two tailed test, state the null hypothesis in a sentence that includes the two variables being examined.
the herbal supplements have an increasing effect on memory scores. ?
the herbal supplements have no effect on memory scores?
the herbal supplements have a decreasing effect on memory scores?
using the symbols state the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis (assuming a two tailed test):________
using the standard four step procedure conduct a two tailed hypothesis test with o= .05 to evaluate the effect of the supplements.
These results indicate
rejection of the null hypothesis, the herbal supplements have a significant effect on memory scores
rejection of the null hypothesis the herbal supplements do not have a significant effect on memory scores.
failure to reject the null hypothesis, the herbal supplements have a significant effect on memory scores
failure to reject the null hypothesis, the herbal supplement do not have a significant effect on memory scores.