Evaluate the different regulation and strategic activities


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Employee Health and Safety: A Global Perspective


BANKS currently has its operations in the United States and China. Since BANKS is based in the United States, it has a custom of being conformed to the laws on the safety and health of the employees as outlined in the United States. Therefore, from a global perspective, the corporation should operate under the drafted laws in each of the nations of its operation while also trying to adhere to the highest standards highlighted by the parent organization.

Having an international strategy implies that the subsidiaries scattered across the globe operate independently and continue with their routine just like any other local company, hence minimum direction from the parental business (Bradsher, 2003).

The issue at hand covers spans from both a legal to an ethical issue. BANKS must adhere to the legal requirements in China while also offering maximum protection to the employees whom it employs. The organization needs to evaluate the different regulation and strategic activities in various countries where it has locations.

It calls for interdependent execution to take maximum advantage of the synergies found in varying countries. Therefore, the organization has a legal obligation of operating within the scope of the provisions by the Chinese government in its local market (Leung 2002). Nevertheless, the team also needs to ensure that all the rights of safety and health for the employees are respected in the process.

In conclusion, the current status of the conditions of security and health within China has become a burning issue to most of the health professionals, and even organizations are advocating for labor rights. Hence, although the China is currently being considered as one of the most industrialized countries in the world, unlike the United States, it changes process took a very short period (Burdon, Chelliah, Bhalla, 2009).

For instance, there is no other country in his which has experienced such a rapid growth in its industries like China. Implying that, microscopic attention has been paid on putting up laws and regulations to protect the employees within the country, the case is different in the US, centuries to rise to the top.


Burdon S., Chelliah J., Bhalla A. (2009). Structuring enduring strategic alliances: the case of Shell Australia and Transfield Services, Journal of Business Strategy, 30(4), 42-51.

Leung T. (Nov 2, 2002).What can be done for the largest but deadliest manufacturing center in the world? China Labour Bulletin. Available at: www.china-labour.org.hk

Bradsher K. (Jan 26, 2003). Hong Kong shippers scramble to meet new US cargo rules. New York Times.

Instructors Question (Need Responce to this)

J, you point to issues that could either implicate America in many cases turning a blind eye to abusive labor conditions in the developing and totalitarian countries like China or you suggest we stick to our own rules yet try to do business in countries where human rights are ignored as you point out. Are we between a rock and a hard place?

Now in stead of going after China, who some say own much of US assets anyway, what else might be done to encourage more ethical business practices locally in the US so the crimes of cheap and abused labor do not become a part of doing business like with many of our discount retail outfits, like Walmart? You made a excellent case in your essay. Well researched and timely work. What does it also say about the cultural divided in the US suggesting cheap labor is expendable people indicating a second class status for the working poor both here and in China?

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Business Management: Evaluate the different regulation and strategic activities
Reference No:- TGS01841342

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