
Evaluate the current bioterrorism readiness policy

Assignment task: Bioterrorism and Infection Control Management

Biological agents that cause disease and death can be released at any time and in any place.  These agents include bacteria, viruses, fungi, along with other microorganisms that release toxins that can adversely impact human health. The toxins can be spread through the air, water, and food as well as from person to person.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, some agents may contain organisms that pose a threat to national security. As these agents can survive in a variety of environmental conditions, infection prevention and control nurses in all venues of healthcare delivery need to be cognizant of the procedures and methods used to prevent disease spread caused by these agents.

Bioterrorism Agents/Diseases -

"Infection preventionists must undertake preparedness activities to ensure that they and their healthcare facilities and communities are better prepared to effectively recognize and respond to an infectious disease disaster" (Rebmann, 2020). Bearing in mind that biological agents can an infectious disease disaster when used as weapons of bioterrorism in any venue, review the current bioterrorism readiness policy/plan in your organization. What preparedness activities does the policy include? What public health and community agencies are included? What recommendations would you add based on the literature and information gleaned from your readings?

If there is no bioterrorism readiness policy/plan at your organization,  a short policy related to bioterrorism and include preparedness activities. Be sure to reference the literature and information gleaned from your readings.


  • Evaluates the current bioterrorism readiness policy/plan in your organization OR a short policy related to bioterrorism with preparedness activities
  • Critiques mechanisms in place for collaboration among public health and community agencies in response to biological agents
  • Evaluates consequences of necessary precautions related to bioterrorism
  • Three scholarly resources are utilized

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Reference No:- TGS03322135

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