
Evaluate the culture and policies of an organization

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Observation Paper

By completing the observation paper, students will meet the requirements of outcomes 1 and 2:

Develop and implement strategies that establish constructive interpersonal and group relationships that build high-performing and loyal individuals and teams

Evaluate the culture and policies of an organization to recommend and implement improvements that support its vision, success, and sustainability

Required Elements to include in the Observation Paper:

1. Identify the organization's mission, vision, and core values;

2. Discuss the culture of the organization as you believe it to be. Students want to be thorough in their analysis using course material;

3. Provide four recommendations with a discussion about the relationship to culture of organization, impact that statement has on culture of organization, importance of mission, vision, and core values, and any other relevant material. For example, you may discover that the employees are unaware of or do not consistently act in accordance with the core values of the organization. Perhaps the culture of the organization is inappropriate to support the achievement of the mission;

4. Include a conclusion;

5. Students are expected to apply terminology and concepts of leadership to the paper.

Use APA formatting for in-text citations and reference page. You are expected to paraphrase and not use quotes. Deductions will be taken when quotes are used and found to be unnecessary;

Our mission is to bring lost souls to the lord. And the vision is to preach gospel throughout the world. Core value of the organization is we shine our lights through our services. My organization is a non-profit church, and the organization had many different leaders who served Hawaiian region temporarily for past five years. Therefore, subordinates who are volunteering their time and talents lost directions occasionally. The organization currently has thirteen volunteers who coordinate weekly programs and services, and work closely together.

The organization has a clan culture which has an internal focus on the involvement and participation of workers to meet changing expectations from the external environment. More than any other, this culture places value on meeting the needs of organization members (Daft, 443). It is friendly places to work, and it feels like a family sometimes. Subordinates work close to each other to organize weekly activities and projects without the leader. It is fun to talk about personal activities and beliefs during staff meetings.

However it gets complicated when it comes to a decision making time. For being a clan cultured organization, subordinates do not want to disrupt this organizational atmosphere. It is hard to make a negative comment during staff meetings about the subject. Subordinates may be timid to speak up dissenting opinions even if they believe it is the best plan, because some members might not agree with the opinion which can cause unhappy feelings within the group. Therefore, it is difficult to finalize our decisions during each staff meeting. And the leader approves the final staff decision later as if the leader has a parent role in the organization which can be frustrating sometimes.

Our organization is strongly based on a clan culture which can cause troubles to reach the organizational goal. The organization has not gotten any bigger compared to five years ago; it is an indication of not running the organization efficiently and effectively to reach our goal. Currently, the organization is not able to reach our mission and vision, because the organization is looking at a tree while we need to look at the forest. This problem can be terminated by widely spreading shared values towards adaptability, bureaucratic, achievement cultures.

First recommendation is the organization needs to improve the area of the adaptability culture; leaders actively create change by encouraging and rewarding creativity, experimentation, and risk taking (Daft, 440). The leader does not accept different characteristics and talents between subordinates; he is equally treating his subordinates and expects everyone do the same thing. The leader needs to be flexible to encourage the subordinate to work their best in the organization.

Second recommendation is to motivate people by giving them achievable goals. The achievement culture is characterized by a clear vision of the organization's goals, and leaders focus on the achievement of specific targets. An emphasis on winning is the glue that holds the organization together (Daft, 443). We do not have any achievements that we can compete with outside of the organization. The organization can examine external sources which can challenge the organization to reach its goal. Subordinates have weekly job tasks, but these tasks are not playing as a motivation. The leader is recommended to give challenging tasks to his subordinates to motivate them.

Third, a clan culture is playing its rule in the organization which gives each member a good relationship to each other. This culture played the significant role while the leader was absent for a long time. Subordinates helped each other and motivated each other to get the job done. It helped the organization up for a while without any guidance. However, the organization cannot just rely on its culture. The organization needs to move forward to meet its goal by accepting differences in people. The leader needs to guide subordinates more closely rather than just playing a role of parents. Each subordinate has unique characteristics and talents: if challenges are designed in their own way, it will help subordinates to shine their talents to reach the goal.

Fourth recommendation is to take the positive reinforcement of bureaucratic culture which has "an internal focus and consistency orientation for a stable environment" (Daft, 444). Our organization is leaned towards family like environment. Some subordinates did not take care of their responsibilities, and it caused other workers to work harder to finish the job. Adopting this culture can be positive for the organization as well. The organization has unclear rules and schedules of services, but if we set specific schedules and tasks, it will help to get the job done more effectively and efficiently.

Our organization is still taking a baby step towards its goal; there are many areas to improve to grow as a bigger organization. The clan cultured organization had some good benefits, yet the organization needs to take it to the next level to meet the organizational goal and vision. People need more than just an adviser or approver for the leader. The organization needs spiritual valued leadership whose "values and practices considered as spiritual ideals include integrity, humility, respect, appreciation for the contributions of others, fair treatment, and personal reflection" (Daft, 447). Our leader needs to show affections towards subordinates who are contributing their time and skill, it will help workers to feel that they are needed and appreciated which will help the organization to take next step to reaching the organizational goal. The leader has the significant role in the organization to give people hope and vision which will give subordinates a deeper meaning of their jobs. Motivated subordinates can achieve many things and they will work their best to meet the organizational goal.


Daft (2011), The leadership experience, 5th edition, Cengage learning, U.S.

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Other Management: Evaluate the culture and policies of an organization
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