In Chapter 2, complete the Contractor Selection (RFP) (Appendix 2.1, pages 63 - 65) in the Larson & Gray textbook. To complete the case, read the supporting material regarding the RFP and answer the following case questions:
- Evaluate the criteria employed in the RFP template. Are these the right criteria? Is there any criteria missing that you would consider adding?
- Would you use this template in your place of work? Which criteria, if any, would you change?
- How are the weights for this template derived? Would you change any of the weights if you used this in your place of work?
- Who within a project organization would score the RFPs? How objective would the resulting evaluation be? What recommendations would you have to increase the objectivity of the scoring?
Save your work in a Word® document. Use terminology from your readings and cite related references using current APA format, where applicable. Review the evaluation rubric for grading criteria.