Discussion Problem:
Your initial post is due by midnight Wednesday if you want to receive full timeliness points. Otherwise, it is due by midnight Sunday of Week 1. Any initial posts completed after midnight Sunday of week 1 will not receive any timeliness points. As always, include a reference to support your own initial response, but keep in mind that a URL (a website address) is not a reference, so do not insert just a URL.
1. In the first paragraph of your initial response, evaluate the contribution of HRM strategic management in this Business Plan assignment. How is the HRM department involved in the creation of building a strategy for a new business venture? Need Assignment Help?
2. Now that you have completed a Business Plan, Marketing Plan, and Project Management Plan, do some research for great business or marketing plans and compare your plan with at least one other.
o Is there anything in the plan you found that you wish you had thought to put in your plans?
o What was it about the plan that caused you to have either a positive or negative reaction to it?
o Is it something you would have invested in?
Your Subsequent Posts:
Read through the responses by your peers and post responses to at least two classmates' posts. Introduce ideas/comments and/or research/readings not mentioned yet.
Remember: To receive full credit in this discussion forum, you need to post a minimum of three quality posts (your own initial post, and responses to two classmates). If you borrow ideas from subject matter experts (authors, speakers, etc.), be sure to give them credit by citing sources.
Your discussion contributions will be assessed on the criteria found in the grading rubric for this assignment:
- Assignment-driven criteria
- Critical thinking
- Writing mechanics and referencing
- Timeliness