Evaluate the budget for the campaign

Assignment task: Assess a sample budget that closely represents the ideal budget for my client. Provide reasons and examples to support my analysis with evidence. Include the following critical elements:

Budget Cost: Evaluate the budget carefully. Does the budget detail the cost of implementing the two marketing assets? Does it describe the asset briefly along with the cost? Does it determine how the cost will be allocated toward strategy, development, advertising, analytics, and post-campaign strategies? Does it include examples from similar campaigns? Are there elements missing? How does it compare to a budget for other campaigns I researched?

Campaign Budget: Evaluate the budget for the campaign. Make sure that the analysis I perform is based on research.

Budget Allocation. Does the budget include specifics in terms of the budget priorities? Does it provide a rationale behind the reasoning.


1. A One-Year, Multimillion Dollar Campaign for a Multimillion-Dollar Organization: A large agency and brand employs staff to participate in every part of the process. This makes the costs seem realistic because you have multiple teams working on each component. Total cost would equal at least what a well-paid employee would make annually, even if the portion of the project is only a few months long.

2. A One-Year, Multimillion-Dollar Campaign for a Start-Up/Small Business:

A start-up or small business does not outsource many of the tasks an agency would execute on behalf of a large business. In other words, marketing employees at a small company really do the heavy lifting of building and executing campaigns.

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Other Management: Evaluate the budget for the campaign
Reference No:- TGS03381331

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