
Evaluate the benefits of indian educational programs that


1. Analyze either the economic impact of tribal casinos, or the societal impact of casino gambling, on American  Indian communities. Plan to focus this topic based on your research.

2. Investigate a specific issue related to substance abuse in American Indian communities. Substance abuse also plagues non-Indian communities: what factors worsen substance abuse and the damage done to Native Americans, and what strategies or programs have effectively addressed these problems? Your essay should focus on a portion of the larger issue.

3. Explore substance abuse treatments that are successful for Native Americans, including programs that utilize elements of indigenous culture. In successful programs, what role can identity play in the movement from addiction to recovery?

4. Evaluate the benefits of Indian educational programs that support heritage language proficiency through bilingual or immersion programs, such as the Salish School of Spokane.

Choose one topic and compose an annotated bibliography of 6 to 8 credible and current sources in MLA format, (including a citation and a paragraph summarizing information relevant to your topic from each source)

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Business Management: Evaluate the benefits of indian educational programs that
Reference No:- TGS01351343

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