
Evaluate the avoidable rate of canceled surgeries


1:The Trade-Off Analysis

In considering healthcare system trade-offs, politics plays a major role. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the current Medicaid system in the United States based on individual state policies is important to the political and legal platforms each state faces. As organizations seek to implement HMIS and IT program development, upgrades, and evaluations the organizations must be capable of separating the IT failures, budget overruns, and exogenous changes in enrollment that affect the healthcare system.

In a minimum of 250 words, discuss the following:

• Who is responsible on the state political level to propose legislature to overcome healthcare organizations concerns (trade-off) relating to patient enrollment and budget overruns?

• What is your state's responsibility in preparation for healthcare change such as the ACA?

• How do healthcare leader's best integrate pre-existing conditions and long-term illness?

2: Overcoming Public Disinterestedness

Understanding the responsibility and concerns of healthcare is important in creating policies that leadership can use to streamline success. If strategic leadership is not realized over time, healthcare organizations' political influences may face challenges and create public disinterestedness in health policies. These issues create restrictions on the healthcare organization's ability to meet its financial budget, gain community's trust and involvement, and secure political influence(s). This negatively impacts the overall performance of the healthcare organization. The ideas of process innovation, risk taking, health building analysis, and governance greatly impacts "sense-making" for those being led. These ideas bring understanding to the role of governance in the organization. Review the case study "Australian Surgery Indicator Makes the Front Page" in Chapter and discuss the following questions in a minimum of 250 words:

• After your review, do the conclusions you draw from the case justify the headline? Why or why not?

• Discuss the indications found in Table and their effect on the health care organizations efficiency in elective surgery.

• Evaluate the avoidable rate of canceled surgeries and develop an implementation plan to overcome the concerns.

• Develop a mini policy to address the issues between the doctors and the organization.

Assignment: Maintaining the Loyalty of Stakeholders

To maintain political, governmental, staff, and patient loyalty, the healthcare organization must provide a sense of organizational stability and view of the legislative landscape. In Chapters  we have researched and investigated the need to align both public opinion with staff trust. The political landscape is the basis for healthcare policy, guidance, state, local, and community support (both fiscal and legal) engaging in political trade-offs to stabilize the healthcare industry (such as in the cost, pharmaceuticals, insurance premiums, and organizational ROI in the healthcare industry). Healthcare organizations must provide the necessary guidance and advocacy for stakeholders in the setting of both state and federal legislature as a voice of reason, authority, and integrity. Provide information on the following:

• Research a policy associated with the Affordable Care Act in your home state or another state that may affect healthcare reform and/or the way health care is provided in the chosen state.

• Describe the policy and who wrote and/or promoted the policy legislature (provide statistical data).

• What are the trade-offs offered to bring balance to the healthcare stakeholders?

• What role have public perception and disinterestedness played in the valuation of healthcare performance?

• Describe how process innovation, risk taking, health policy analysis, and governance "sense-making" provide balance for stakeholders.

Your paper:

• Must be 4 to 6 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

• Must use at least four scholarly sources in addition to the course text.

• Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

• Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Required Resources:


1. McLaughlin, C. P., & McLaughlin, C. D. (2014). Health Policy Analysis: An interdisciplinary approach (2nd ed.).

a. Chapter : Double-Checking for Contextual Change

b. Chapter : Health Professional Leadership.


1. Berwick, D. M. (2010). Disseminating innovations in health care. Journal of American Medical Association.

o The article discusses the challenges that the healthcare sector faces in terms of the application of innovation in a timely manner to effect health policy change(s). The author highlighted three (3) specific challenges, he believes negatively impact healthcare innovations. (1) The differences in leadership opinons on innovations, (2) the types of people who are receptive to change, and (3) circumstances surrounding the managerial constraints within the healthcare organization that may foster restrictions to health innovation policies.

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Other Management: Evaluate the avoidable rate of canceled surgeries
Reference No:- TGS02059883

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