Short Essay Assignment
For Chapter 13: Risks, Perils, and Traumatic Death, discuss two of the seven questions below. In your submission, identify by number which questions you are answering.
1. Explain how differential punishments for homicide may be based on the relationship of the killer to the victim.
2. Evaluate the argument that violence is contagious in American society.
3. List the pros and cons of capital punishment as you see them and assess your ideas. Are there alternatives? What are they?
4. Give at least five examples of the needs and motives that contribute to war and suggest strategies that can work to reduce conflict.
5. Explain the meaning of the statement: Technological alienation is the most characteristic feature of the modern war machine. Give examples.
6. Assess the manner in which social, psychological, and religious factors influence the mindset of terrorists.
7. Describe the impact of AIDS and other emerging diseases. Suggest ways of reducing the risk.