
Evaluate the adequacy and comprehensiveness of firms code


Paper on Caux Principles for Responsible Business

The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with how The Caux Principles can be used as a benchmark for a firm's code and actions. Compare one firm's Mission and Code of Conduct with the Caux Principles for Responsible Business, which is referenced in Business Ethics,

Include a comparison with the Stakeholder Principles as in Appendix A:

https://www.cauxroundtable.org/index.cfm?menuid=8. Therefore:

A. Obtain a copy of a firm's (your own, if possible) Mission, Vision and Code of Ethics.

B. Compare the firm's statements with Caux Round Table's Principles for Business [both Caux General Principles and the more detailed

Stakeholder Principles]. In your comparison, note the major issues that are covered by both documents. Compare the content of both codes and evaluate the adequacy and comprehensiveness of your firm's code.

C. Write a paper to summarize your comparison of the firm's Mission, Vision, and Code of conduct with the Caux Round Table's Principles for Business.

The paper should be no more than 10 typed double-spaced pages, 12-point font, and one-inch margins. Number the pages and print on both sides. Use any format that is useful for your comparison. If you choose, you may include a copy of the Mission & Code of Conduct of the firm in an Appendix. The following questions may help you examine & compare:

General Principles

Does your firm's Code, Mission, or Vision have any statements like Caux's "General Principles?" Briefly describe and compare them. Does the firm's code cover the material of the seven Principles? If so, briefly describe how it is covered. Answer for each.
Stakeholder Principles)

Does the firm's Code have a section on responsibilities to customers? To employees? To suppliers? To owners/investors? To competitors? To the community? If so, briefly compare the two codes for each stakeholder.

Protect only the company

Finally, is your firm's Code designed to protect only the company? Or is it designed to protect customers, employees, and outside stakeholders, also? Does it give proportionate coverage to both the firm and the various stakeholders?


Organization, spelling, punctuation, and grammar are included in the evaluation.

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Business Management: Evaluate the adequacy and comprehensiveness of firms code
Reference No:- TGS01818284

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