Task 1 - Team Dynamics
Complete an individual Belbin Team Roles assessment and attach in portfolio, evaluate the results in terms of effective team working strategies
As a group of 2 to 3 students, you need to discuss the importance of team dynamics that feed into the success and/or failure of group work? Consider different working environments!
Write up reflective account 1 of what happened today and an explanations of using theories in practice
You will need to complete the Moon Landing activity individually then work as a small team to justify your choices and answers, this will then be shared with the whole class and justifications for answers will be explained
Write up reflective account 2 of what happened today, how you felt about it and the team responses
Task 2 - Analysis of Team Dynamics
Analyse your team dynamics to achieve shared goals in terms of.
Task 4 - Benefits of CPD
Task 5 - Plan individual CPD to be included in portfolio
Produce a development plan for your CPD that outlines your own future goals in terms of:
- Responsibilities
- Performance Objectives
- Required Skills
- Knowledge
- Learning
Task 6 - Motivational Theories
Compare three different motivational theories that impact on people's performance within the workplace.