
Evaluate taylors concept of respect for nature do you agree

Assignment : Biocentric Ethics and Preserving Species

Please read the introduction to Chapter 5. Please read my summary of Taylor's views that I put on the assignment page at the top. Read the following two articles. (Remember that you are also working on your first paper when you do these assignments. You have to explain and critically discuss the theories in your paper. So do a good job here, and you can use what you write in your papers - made better, of course.)

Paul Taylor, "Biocentric Egalitarianism."

Jason Kawall, "Reverence for Life as a Viable Environmental Virtue."

Read my summary of Taylor's Biocentrism on the assignment page. Answer the following questions about Taylor's paper.

Question 1. In the first 4 sections of his paper, Paul Taylor explains the attitude of respect for nature. Please give a summary that explains the main points of his view. Don't give your views here. Just explain what Taylor says.

Question 2. Evaluate Taylor's concept of respect for nature. Do you agree with his claims or not. Explain why you agree or disagree with his views.

Question 3. See Section 5 in Taylor's article. Taylor spells out what he thinks are the 4 components of the biocentric outlook on nature. Please read what those components are.

See Taylor's arguments for the fourth component: Section 9 The Denial of Human Superiority. Explain in your own words, as accurately and completely as you can, the arguments in Section 9 that Taylor gives against the view that humans are superior. (Don't put your views here. Just explain Taylor.)

Question 4. Critically discuss Taylor's arguments in Section 9. He argued that we must reject the idea of human superiority. Put your views here about Taylor's arguments. Do you agree or disagree? Where is he right, and where does he go wrong? Please defend your views.

Question 5: Explain Kawall's main points that he wants to make about biocentrism and reverence for life.

Question 6: What does Kawall say about Taylor's views on biocentrism?

Question 7: What do you think about Kawall's ideas on biocentrism and reverence for life? Do you agree or not? Give reasons to back up your claims.

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Dissertation: Evaluate taylors concept of respect for nature do you agree
Reference No:- TGS02914041

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