
Evaluate socrates criticisms of divine command theory

Problem 1: Explain the role that the concept of Arche plays in Pre-Socratic thinking. Do you think it plays the same role for all of the thinkers or different roles for different thinkers? Do we have anything like the concept of Arche at work in our understanding of contemporary reality/the contemporary world? Explain why or why not?

Problem 2: Socrates often asks questions that take the form, "What is X?" What kind of answer/definition is he looking for from his various conversation partners? Give an example from our readings of an answer that somebody gives that Socrates rejects. Explain why he rejects the answer. Do you think this Socratic method is a good way to go about defining our concepts? Explain why or why not?

Problem 3: Critically evaluate Socrates' criticisms of divine command theory in the Euthyphro. Do you agree with Socrates' argument? Explain why or why not. hat impact (in your own view) does this criticism have on the authority of religion when thinking about ethics?

Problem 4: Briefly explain why Socrates argues in the Crito that he should not escape from jail? Do his arguments in this dialogue (Crito) conflict with his criticisms of authority and expertise in the Apology? Explain why or why not?

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