Mental Health promotion Assessment Task
Word Limit: 2,500 words.
This assessment task is an assignment that requires you to demonstrate understanding of the misuse and abuse of alcohol in Australia.
Assignment question:
Alcohol consumption and the misuse of alcohol continue to cause a high level of harm in Australian communities. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW 2014) reported that the rate of alcohol related hospitalizations has risen annually over the last decade, from around 200 to 270 hospitalizations per 100,000. An increase in people reporting being a victim of physical abuse (4.5% to 8.1%) and being put in fear (13.1% to 14.3%) by those under the influence of alcohol was also highlighted by the AIHW (2014).
Evaluate the following health promotion campaign for the characteristics that should ensure its effectiveness in increasing community awareness:
Your evaluation must include evidence of the harm associated with misuse of alcohol in adults and children in Australia and should include an explanation of the rationale for the campaign. Drawing on your evaluation of the program, what mental health promotion interventions could you implement to promote the wellbeing and the resilience of patients and families affected by alcohol misuse?
Unit Learning Outcomes
• ULO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a range of contemporary mental health issues
• ULO2: Evaluate social, political, environmental, and economic factors in relation to mental health
• ULO3: Relate primary health care philosophy, principles, and strategies to promote mental health in nursing practice
• ULO4: Predict and interpret early warning signs and risks associated with mental health problems
• ULO5: Select and evaluate interventions that promote mental health and wellbeing and build emotional resilience for self and others
• ULO6: Evaluate a population-focused mental health and wellbeing and build emotional resilience for self and other
Learning Outcomes
• GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities: appropriate to the level of study related to a discipline or profession
• GLO2: Communication: using oral, written and interpersonal communication to inform, motivate and effect change
• GLO3: Digital literacy: using technologies to find, use and disseminate information
• GLO4: Critical thinking: evaluating information using critical and analytical thinking ?and judgment
• GLO5: Problem solving: creating solutions to authentic (real world and ill-defined) ?problems
• GLO6: Self-management: working and learning independently, and taking ?responsibility for personal actions
• GLO8: Global citizenship: engaging ethically and productively in the professional ?context and with diverse communities and culture in a global context.
• Access relevant contemporary health promotion literature for evidence pertaining to the use of alcohol in the Australian community and to inform your selection of health promotion interventions you recommend. References should mainly ?include refereed journal articles;
• The suggested readings in the unit are a good place to start. References to google, ?websites and/or Wikipedia are not appropriate for this assessment task;
• ?Structure: ?Must contain a purposeful introduction that outlines some general background to the topic, an aim and purpose and themes for discussion. The body of the assignment will constitute about 80% of the word limit and provide key arguments supported by literature. The body of the assignment is normally organized in paragraphs of approximately 100-150 words with each paragraph focused on explanation of one idea. There should be a logical progression of ideas as demonstrated by logically linked arguments/points made in each paragraph. Each paragraph should commence with a topic sentence and end with a link to the next paragraph. The conclusion paragraph should provide a summation of ideas, draw together the discussion, present no new material (references are not expected in the conclusion paragraph) and offer the student's position drawn from the discussion direct quotations: Unless really necessary.
• ?References?Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2014, Australia's health, Australian Institute of ?Health and Welfare, Canberra.