
Evaluate own knowledge and performance using standards

Assignment task:

Please take note of the following command verbs that you will come across in the knowledge activities below and what they mean in terms of the level of detail your answer requires:

Describe - In order to describe something, you must give a detailed account of it. This must be written in full sentences and paragraphs.

Explain-You need to ensure that your answer is clear, revealing relevant facts. This must be written in full sentences and paragraphs.

Identify - Your answer should establish who or what something is. This can be in a list format. Summarise - Write down briefly the main points or essential features.

Evaluate - You are required to look back on the effectiveness of something. When answering evaluate questions, you need to: make a judgement. Support this judgement with evidence that shows why you said it was effective or ineffective.

Analyse- You are required to break down each topic into fundamental parts and critically examine each, providing in depth discussions.

Section One

1. Evaluate own knowledge and performance using standards and benchmarks

2. Identify and prioritise own professional development needs and aspirations and implement plans to meet these

3. Identify a range of opportunities to support own professional development that reflect own leaming style and needs

4. Evaluate how own practice has been improved through: - the implementation of the professional development plan - reflection on feedback from others - learning from achievements and adverse events

5. Analyse how own values, belief systems and experiences impact own practices

6. Analyse how own emotions affect behaviour and the impact this has on others

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Other Subject: Evaluate own knowledge and performance using standards
Reference No:- TGS03423986

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