
Evaluate organizational and human resource management

Guide Lines for Preparing the Project

The project has to be prepared in your respective groups on a topic related to business sustainability. It can be a project from your company or on your entity/startup.

It may include:

1. Background Profile - Information regarding history, political, economic, social, cultural and legal environment and systems.

2. Marketing - assess, current and past marketing practices. Analytical review of market opportunities and threats to domestic and MNCs - if applicable.

3. Management issues - evaluate organizational and human resource management practices - if applicable.

4. Production - availability of raw material, labour, labour cost, labour laws, environmental issues, training of personnel - if applicable.

5. Financial environment and foreign exchange market - assessment of economic system, finance, currency, and foreign trade policies - if applicable.

The orientation should be of complete strategy that includes marketing, production, financial, human resource and other dimensions of a business. The project is presumed to have been selected by your board. As CEO (any other role) you are making this report to your board along with your recommendations.

The project should not be more than 10000 words. It is the upper limit. It should appear to be a well-rounded executive presentation. The instructor may revert for additional clarifications/inputs.

Project should not be an edited, cut, copy, paste assembling of information from internet or any other source. It should have an executive summary of one page at the beginning of app. 750 words and a conclusion of one page at the end of app. 500 words. It should have proper indexing and references.

The project should be written on both sides of A4 size paper in Times New Roman, font size 12, spacing 1.5 with 1" margin on all sides. All sources must be acknowledged at appropriate places.


It is advised that the project is from your existing company/issues you face in office. There is no need to furnish exact details of finances etc. You can impute numbers or mention xyz where needed. The project can be from any dimension of management - HR, Performance Appraisal, Office Politics, Future of your team etc.

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Business Management: Evaluate organizational and human resource management
Reference No:- TGS01557735

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