
Evaluate main influences that impact consumers behaviour

Learning Outcomes:

1. Explain various concepts and theories in consumer behaviour.

2. Identity and evaluate main influences (e. g. from internal, situational and external factors) that impact consumers’ behaviour, including various psychological concepts, values, culture and family)

3. Assess and analyse how individual consumer makes decision specifically in relation to how, when, where and why a certain purchase takes place.

4. Assess customer needs, the decision making unit and processes

5. Relate and apply the concepts, theories of consumer behaviour (main influences and decision making processes) with the marketing theories and overall marketing strategy.

Core reading: Peter P and Olsen J (2010) Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Strategy, McGraw-Hill International edition, New York, 9th edition

Consumer Behaviour Example Exam Questions:

Involvement, Attention and Comprehension

1). Why do marketers always try to get consumers’ attention? What is the relationship between attention and brand awareness? Using examples, explain how companies could use their knowledge of these processes in developing their promotional strategy.

2). How do consumers acquire knowledge about new products? Explain different learning approaches and how they are employed by marketer i?? attempt to influence consumer behaviour.

Consumer attitude:

1). Explain how consumers use the Multi-Attribute Attitude Model to evaluate alternatives using examples and discuss the marketing implications.

2). Define attitude and describe two ways a consumer can acquire an attitude. How do marketers try to influence this and try to convert attitudes into intentions?


1). Using examples, explain how decision choices are made. Explain the problem solving approach to understanding of consumer behaviour. Discuss situations where different level of effort is required for making different choices.

2). How do consumers acquire knowledge about new products? How do consumers employ their knowledge to aid their decision-making?

Environment and Culture:

1). How does environment influence consumers behaviour? Discuss different types of situations using examples and the marketing implications.

2). Explain the concept of cultural difference. Discuss how it influences consumer behaviour using relevant academic framework(s). What are the implications for global brands that target at consumers across all cultures?

Reference group, family and social network

1). Discuss how reference groups influence consumers. Explain how these groups are divided by their characteristics and why understanding them is important for a marketing manager.

2). Family as a decision-making unit. Explain how family members influence each others’ decision-making and discuss marketing implications using examples.

Business market and business buyer:

1). Compare the differences between an individual customer and a business buyer when making a purchasing decision. Discuss marketing implications and use examples to back up your point.

2). Would industrial buyers engage in both cognitive and affective systems in making a purchasing decision? Use academic research to justify argument.

Social network:

Explain the concept of online social networks. Why do consumers participate and associate themselves with different online social networks? Use academic theories and/or frameworks to justify your discussion. How would firms utilise social networks to promote their products and brands?

Consumer behaviour research methods:

What kind of market research would you employ to help you better understand the potential segments in the market? Based on your research findings, how do you justify your decision to target at one segment rather than the others?

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