
Evaluate logistics including warehousing and transportation

Team Case PowerPoint Presentation: What the Guys in the Funny Brown Shorts Are Really Doing (UPS) Case Assignment

Assume you are the supply chain manager for UPS. Due to the financial condition of GM and the fact that logistics is not their core competency, they have decided to outsource the transportation of their automobiles from their Canadian factories to their dealerships in the U.S. You are leading the UPS supply chain team that is charged with obtaining the GM business. Utilize the knowledge gained on the Deliver process to underpin your presentation. Additionally you can use information from the beginning of the semester to support your presentation

During this week, do a first pass reading of the Team Case Assignment: "What the Guys in the Funny Brown Shorts Are Really Doing". Reading it before meeting with your team for the first time should make your group time more productive. The analysis of the case study can take time, as you learned from the other cases. I suggest you start to organize the analysis during this week of this case assignment. The due date for the PowerPoint presentation on the case study is provided in the course schedule.

Case Assignment Documents and Materials:

You will need the following documents/materials to complete this team case assignment:

1. Read the case. Thomas Friedman, "Flattener #8, Insourcing: What the Guys in the Funny Brown Shorts Are Really Doing". The World is Flat, pages 141-150. NOTE: This case can be located in the Library Reserves by the title "Flattener #8, Insourcing."

2. The assignment questions, grading, and other specific information for this assignment are all provided in the UPS Case Assignment Document File.

3. You may find it helpful to review the general information about preparing a case study assignment in the Course Protocols and Assignment Guidelines materials.

Please submit your completed group assignment in the "Team Case Assignment: 'What the Guys in the Funny Brown Shorts Are Really Doing'" drop box located in the "All Assignment Drop Boxes" folder by the assignment due date provided on the course schedule.

Second Small Group Assignment

UPS - An Exploration of the Deliver Process


• Summarize the Deliver process and its application in a real world situation utilizing a 3rd party provider such as UPS.
• Evaluate logistics including warehousing and transportation functions.
• Apply information from the readings, PowerPoint slides, and other sources to evaluate a real world problem.
• Utilize a PowerPoint format to give students practice in this method of business communication.

The ASSIGNMENT: Develop a 15 to 18 slide professional PowerPoint presentation. Using about 2 slides per question, answer the questions below. Use the "Notes" portion (see "Notes" page under the "View" tab of the PowerPoint slide presentation) for areas that require further explanation. When you use the "Notes" section, you are limited to the PowerPoint slide at the top and the information below.Note that the presentation must be delivered no later than the due date as found in the Course Schedule. Please utilize the "Third Group Assignment: ‘What the Guys in Funny Brown Shorts Are Really Doing' (UPS) Drop Box" found in the "All Assignment Drop Box Folder." Late assignments will not be accepted!

The PRESENTATION: Start with a brief introduction and a slide that that illustrates the problems/questions/ goals/objectives you are trying to obtain. Then work the answers to the following into a clear and concise presentation. It is important that the presentation flow - and not just be a step-by-step answering of the questions. Furthermore, I am looking for some insight rather than merely quoting what is already in the text or information you may find!

The CASE: Assume you are a supply chain manager for UPS. Due to the financial condition of General Motors (GM) and the fact that logistics is not their core competency, they have decided to outsource the transportation of their finished automobiles from their Canadian factories to their dealerships in the U.S. You are leading the UPS supply chain team that is charged with obtaining the GM business. Using the knowledge gained on the Deliver process to underpin your presentation, develop a presentation to "win" the GM business--what business case would you make to GM to obtain their business? Note: The team should place citations on the slides as needed if you use outside information.

The QUESTIONS: Please answer the following questions in your presentation:

• Develop a generalized basic process map (a diagram with appropriate information) of your approach for moving the vehicles from their factories to their dealerships. Hint: Don't try to cover everyplace - pick asingle Canadian GM factoryand choose either Pittsburgh or Philadelphia as the dealership market! The diagram should include the following:

• The flow of products, information, and funds (capital).

• The different modes of transportation used (links in the supply chain).

• The different types of facilities along the way (nodes in the supply chain - for example ,if you use rail, you will need rail loading and unloading facilities similar to the loading and unloading of the ships in the Tote video.

• Explain your systems approach including what you see as the advantages of it (maybe 2 or 3 items).

• What sorts of risks (maybe 2 or 3 risks) does your approach entail and how would you mitigate those risks?

• What four metrics would you use to capture your performance as a measure of doing better than the current GM system?

• Explain why your metrics are the appropriate ones.

• What additional "value-add" services could UPS offer in the Deliver process that competitors such as FedEx might not be able to provide?


• Include the attached cover page - a replica of this cover page should be the first slide in your presentation. It will not count against your slide limit.

• Use the "Notes" section of PowerPoint to fully explain what is in the presentation portion of the slide.

• Use graphics to help emphasize a particular concept or answer a question.

• Points will be deducted for not following formatting directions!

THE GRADING RUBRIC:What the Guys in Funny Brown Shorts Are Really Doing (UPS) SCM 301

Writing assignments stress organizing thoughts in the appropriate hierarchy and sequence, selecting words for their power and expressiveness, using technical terms in appropriate contexts, and representing complex data and symbols precisely in prose.

Writing assignments require the use of appropriate business language--do not use slang, unprofessional language, colloquialisms, etc.Many times this item is a big problem for students who are used to email conventions, etc.


1. Does the deck answer each of the questions?
2. Does each question contain analysis of the major issues?
3. Does the analysis for each question incorporate concepts/techniques from the readings?
4. Does the team cite the references for the readings mentioned in Item #3?
5. Does the analysis show relationships among important factors?
6. Are assumptions explicitly stated?
7. Does the analysis isolate fundamental causes of the problems?
8. Does the analysis contain enough detail to support your answers?
9. When the analysis is undertaken does it use the information at its disposal correctly, thereby leading to correct answers?

Quality of Power Point Slide Presentation:

1. Is the presentation logically organized?
2. Is the presentation readable and flowing with continuity?
3. Are rules of grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence construction, proper use of paragraphs, etc. followed?
4. Do the slides support, amplify, and clarify your answers?
5. Do the slides represent correct information?
6. Is the presentation visually attractive?
7. Do the slides use a common font, theme, etc?
8. Was the presentation completed in a professional manner--does it pass "the professional test"?

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Dissertation: Evaluate logistics including warehousing and transportation
Reference No:- TGS01586721

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