Evaluate leadership and management attributes

Assignment Problem:  Leadership and Management Attributes Module 01 Content Leadership and Management Attributes Competency Evaluate leadership and management attributes that support critical decisions for nursing practice. Scenario You have recently started a position as a department director with five managers reporting to you. Earlier today, one of your managers reports that a client expired on her unit. She suspects that a factor that may have contributed to the client's demise may be related to the actions of a nurse on her unit. This nurse has several notes in her personnel file that reflect potential client abuse. You and the nurse manager both have concerns that this sentinel event must be investigated. Later in the day, the Chief Nursing Officer asks you to speak to new nurse managers to share attributes of leadership with the plan of enhancing their leadership skills. You see an opportunity to combine the situation of the client with a bad outcome, due to the alleged influence of one of the nurses, while building information to share this real-life situation with new nurse leaders. Instructions As a follow up to the investigation of the client's unexpected death, generate an internal memo to your managers

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Other Subject: Evaluate leadership and management attributes
Reference No:- TGS03439233

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