1. Find the real and imaginary parts, u(x,y) and v(x,y) of the following functions:
a) f(z)= sin z.
b) f(z) - 2z+3/z + 2
2. Show that the derivative of f(z) = x2 - y2 + 2ixy exists and is unique by considering Δy = mΔx, that is, Δz goes to zero along a straight line with slope m, thus f(z) is analytic for all z.
3. a) Find out whether the function y-ix/x2++y2 is analytic? Give details to support your results.
b) Using the formal definition of derivative, verify that d(Inz)/dz =1/z (z ≠ 0) holds.
c) Find Cauchy-Riemann conditions in polar coordinates, starting with z = reiθ and f(z) = u(r,θ) + iv(r,θ).
d) Show that u(x,y) = 3x2y -y3 is a harmonic function and find the function f(z) of which u is the real part. Derive v(x,y) and how that v(x,y) is also harmonic.
4. Evaluate the following integrals in the complex plane by direct integration
a)∫dz/z2 + 8i along the line y =x from 0 to ∞.
b) 0∫1+2 |z|2 along the indicated paths:
(i) Along the strategic line from 0 to 1+2i.
(ii) First from 0 to 2i, then horizontally 2i to 1+ 2i.