
Evaluate human resource strategies on how the institution

Prepare Clinical Competencies assignment

Use website MOH vision 2050 in Oman. Also you can use Health fact in Oman in Oman 2017/2016


1. Technical Excellence
1.1. Perform an environmental scan on human resource management focusing on institutional healthcare policy.

A. You are asked of 2 things in this domain: performenvironmental scanning; and result of scanning.

B. Considerations and instructions:
1. Through an interview or discussion and observation with the head of the human resource or an institutional authority perform an environmental scanning either through the use of SWOT or PESTEL
2. The focus of the scanning is on the institutional healthcare policy

C. Provide a hard copy of the result of the scanning.

D. No particular word count is required as long as the questions during VIVA can be answered related to the scanning performed.

1.2. Evaluate human resource strategies on how the institution can prevent the fast turnover of their staff and make an inference on the impact of having fast and high rates of turnover in a healthcare institution.
A. You are asked of 2 things in this domain: evaluation of institutional strategies; and inference.

B. Considerations and instructions:
1. Feel free to look for any evaluation template that can be used in evaluating certain strategies
2. Through an interview or discussion find out the current status of the institution's staff turnover in terms of percentage in the last 5 years
3. Make an inquiry of the institution's strategies on how they can prevent such turnover.

C. Make an inference of how fast and high rates of turnover can impact the quality of healthcare services which is being provided to the patients.

D. The evaluation and inference should not exceed 350 words.

2. Directing Outcomes
2.1. Provide a sample of an evaluation performance checklist and evaluate its importance in the achievement of the institution's goals and objectives.

A. You are asked of 2 things in this domain: checklist; and evaluation.

B. Considerations and instructions:
1. Look for a performance evaluation checklist suited for healthcare setting (not necessarily the one from the institution)
2. Evaluate it using template of choice
3. The focus of evaluation is on the importance of the said performance checklist in achieving the institution's goals and objectives

C. The total word count for evaluation should not exceed 300 words.

Influencing Others

3.1. Justify the characteristics of human resource manager that can positively influence staff.

A. You are asked of 3 things in this domain:characteristic of human resource manager; documentation of the characteristics of the institution's human resource manager; and justifications and recommendations.

B. Considerations and instructions:
1. Look and read for the different characteristics of human resource managers that can influence others
2. Observe during interviews and discussion the characteristic of the HR manager
3. Get a feedback for the staff on how they are being influenced by their HR manager

C. Make a table of comparison of the characteristics based on the standard and the characteristics exhibited by the institution's HR manager.

D. Justify the result of the table of comparison.

E. Give a minimum of 3 recommendations on how these characteristics of the HR managers can be improved.

F. Justifications and recommendations should not exceed 200 words.

. Building a Multicultural Workforceand Cultural Competence Self Development

4.1. Explain through evidence the importance of hiring and retaining a culturally diverse workforce in the healthcare system in Oman. This also aims to see the balance given to all staff in meeting cultural competence.

A. You are asked of 3 things in this domain: article as evidence; narrative explanation of the article; and evidence that there were a fair share of chances of meeting cultural competence.

B. Considerations and instructions:
1. Read and clip an article on cultural diversity in healthcare setting
2. Using the clipped article explain why there is need for a culturally diverse healthcare workforce here in Oman in hiring and retaining them
3. Interview and ask for a record (if possible as for real documentation) of the seminars and trainings given to staff showing the percentage for each nationality.

C. Was there fairness in having a multicultural workforce in achieving competence? Evidences, justification and recommendations should not exceed 350 words.
C. The narrative explanation requires 250 words.
Reflection on myself make reflection use GIPS reflection style

APA style

5. Staffing Management

5.1. Critique a policy on promotion and retention of the institution.

A. You are asked of 3 things in this domain: policy on promotion and retention; critique on it; and recommendations.

B. Considerations and instructions:
1. Look or ask for the institution's policy on staff promotion and retention
2. Feel free to look for any critique template
3. Your critique should focus on its strength and weaknesses

C. Make a recommendations of not lower than 5 on how this policy can be improved.

D. Both critique and recommendations should not exceed 250 words.

6. Evidence Based Practice and Health Informatics
6.1. Provide evidence on statistics of the top 2 communicable and non - communicable diseases in the institution within the last 5 years considering the best practices, preventive measures and management.

A. You are asked of 2 things in this domain: statistics of the top2 communicable and non - communicable diseases in the last 5 years within the institution; statement of the importance of technology in disease identification and statistics.

B. Considerations and instructions:
1. Look for or ask for the statistics on the institution's lists' of communicable and non - communicable diseases in the last 5 years
2. Make sure to provide authentic evidences on the proof to be shown and submitted
3. Provide the necessary reference where the statistics had been lifted

C. State the importance of having an advance technology in health in relation to disease identification, prevention and statistics.

7. Strategic Planning

7.1. Develop a strategic work force plan focusing on human resource.

A. You are asked of 2 things in this domain: strategic work force plan; and recommendations.

B. Considerations and instructions:
1. Look and make a personal evaluation of the current / existing strategic work force plans of the institution
2. Out of the existing plans of the institution make your own 3 year strategic plan for its work force
3. Feel free to look for a template for strategic planning for your usage
4. Focus of the plan is on human resource

C. The formulated strategic plans should be with recommendations on how it can easily be accomplished. Recommendations should be innovative, creative and not less than 5 points.

D. The plans and recommendations should not exceed 350 words.

8. Employee Development

8.1. Cite portion in the 2050 Healthcare Vision wherein it is in favor of supporting the development of each employee in the current health facility.

A. You are asked of 2 things in this domain: look and read the 2050 healthcare vision; and cite portion for employee development.

B. Considerations and instructions:
1. Look for the 2050 healthcare vision of Oman
2. Particularly read the chapter on human resource

C. After reading it carefully cite a particular portion in it on how the Ministry is up to support its employee towards their development

9. Building Productive Relationship and Diversity Appreciation

9.1. Document an evidence of the institutionshowing how to build a productive relationship with a diverse staff.

A. You are asked of 2 things in this domain: make documentation; and presentation of the evidence.

B. Considerations and instructions:
1. Look (through interview or observation) for some evidence of the institution's ways or strategies on how they are building productive relationship with their diverse staff
2. Make a documentation of the said evidences
3. No particular format or template is necessary in relation to the documentation as long as it will clearly show what was being asked
4. Be able to state the importance of having and appreciating the diverse staff.

C. The evidence that will be presented should be authentic and credible enough and clearly shows that the institute appreciate the advantage of having a diverse staff.

10. Cooperation

10.1. Propose a plan of action that will emphasize cooperation and collaboration in preventing the increasing number of cases of non - communicable diseases in the country.

A. You are asked of a single thing in this domain:propose a plan of action

B. Considerations and instructions:
1. Develop a plan of action using a self - made / adapted / modified template
2. The template should include relevant areas for the development of plan of action which include but not limited to the following:
a. objectives
b. activities
c. time frame
d. responsible person
e. others
C. No particular word count is necessary.

11. Ensuring Safety and Compliance

11.1. Make a survey on patient safety utilizing any of the various methodologies with necessary and appropriate variables. Analyze and interpret the data collected.

A. You are asked of 3 things in this domain: adapt a survey tool; conduct a survey; and analyze and interpret the data.

Make survey tool

B. Considerations and instructions:
1. Adapt a tool for patient safety in relation to infection control and prevention
2. Administer the tool to identified informed, consented, and willing group of staff
3. Analyze and interpret the result of the survey
4. Include appropriate references

C. Analysis and interpretation should not exceed 500 words.

12. Community Involvement

12.1. State the relationship between community involvement and the communicable and non - communicable diseases in Oman with various evidences to support the argument.

Need to do Justification and Explanation

Need to attached articles

A. You are asked of 2 things in this domain:stating relationship; and clipping of articles.

B. Considerations and instructions:
1. Analyze the relationship between community involvement and the prevention of communicable diseases and non - communicable diseases
2. Clip articles published 2013 to present to be used to support the assertion or established relationships.

C. You are required of a 300 word count analysis.

13. Succession Planning
13.1. Justify the need for succession planning based on the current situation and needs of the institution.

A. You are asked of 2 things in this domain:identify the importance of succession planning; and justification

B. Considerations and instructions:
1. Through the use of various references identify the importance of succession planning
2. Justify its importance in relation to the current situation and needs of the institution where you were assigned

C. You are required of a 300 word count justification.

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HR Management: Evaluate human resource strategies on how the institution
Reference No:- TGS02693808

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